wow! finally I got my own web design place!
I'm so lacking!
so I need to hire more staffs.
just open the staff application and I'll hire everyone.
I need some reviewers and graphic designers. also oneshot writers.
I beg you guys!
promote this web!
everyone! if you dont have any works to do, just help me to copy paste these sentence to the comment page of someone stories.
I'm working alone, so please help!
HI!! this is achungg_maniacs from SooHyun's art!
I promise to you that this is not an advertisement.
I just wanna ask, who wanted to be the staff of this web?
we need:
-Graphic Designers
-Oneshot writers
and if there's any trailer maker I also ask you to join us.
we still have our soft opening.
this is our link: http://achangbelang.blogspot.com/
so come if you pass by! thanks!
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